I am here to give everyone wooz/beex or VIP.
I am not a hacker, or hacking website, I am a 43 year old woman who has studied Woozworld for basically 4 years now.
I made this website, to of course help you guys!
If your desperate, or just in need of wooz/beex or just VIP.
Now, all you have to do is email: alisa.verner1@gmail.com
That email is only use for your guy's mail!
So if your in need of wooz/beex or VIP email me.
In my email, I will give you a little bit more info on this.
But basically just give me your email and password.
That might sound like I want to hack you guys, of course not. If there was another way to give you guys what you want, I would choose that way, rather than get your information. But there's not, In case you guys are scared or just not convinced, I will not force or threat! So I hope you guys enjoy, and email me for information. :)
- WoozworldHelper@